You can track the movement of fog across a mountain range
Exploring what is hard-to-measure
Welcome to the grey zone

This is the space where we love contradictions and they love us back. A place to explore how the qualitative and the quantitative worlds can meet and mingle.

For you, dear visitor, we've prepared some blogs which muse about the wide variety of topics in the world of metrics and meaning. You'll also (soon) find interviews with experts as well as a catalogue of collaborators who are specialised in their fields and eager to make an impact.

  1. And speaking of changing the world - the mission of bemorespecific is two-fold:

1. Those working towards purpose driven outcomes have tools to measure their progress clearly and confidently

2. All of us are more comfortable sitting in spaces of "not-knowing"

Fresh blogs:

Made to Measure

The starting point for our journey - learn a short history of measurement from an anthropological point of view.

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Interrogative expressions
used to test knowledge

A very fancy way of saying, these are the questions I will ask in the interviews with the metrics experts.

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Sylvia M. Gozdek

Sylvia M. Gozdek thinks about strategy all the time. Multiple times a day the questions "How will _____ know when they've achieved their goal?" and "Where's the proof?" pop up. They are triggered by companies promising an outcome, or by working in a team and attempting to change the culture, and also when trying to live a life of neutral, if not positive, impact. There really is a lot to think about! It's as easy to feel overwhelmed by the scope as it is to behold the vast frontier. To engage with the challenge, Sylvia started the bemorespecific project to begin multiple conversations around metrics and how to measure what really matters.

Her academic background in Anthropology and the messy business of human-meaning-making was training enough to get her career started. But working for purpose driven organisations for many years has shown her how critical it is to have concrete metrics to be able to measure progress. Unsatisfied with her tool belt she retrained in 2021 in Data Analytics to balance things out. Since then she's been thinking about the intersection between the qualitative and the quantitative worlds and, more recently, began writing about it. The bemorespecific project aims to clarify what's important in the world of measurement and how can we be truly innovative in the pursuit of our purpose driven goals.

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